Born To Be Wild!
Action Film Bingo Bash!

Celebrate the best music from your favourite action films of the 1960s-2020s with our Musical Bingo game!

Who will be the first to get a row, column, diagonal or full house to become this year’s bingo champion?
If you don't have a great experience, we offer a 120% money-back guarantee so any risk is on us!

*Events may be recorded for quality control and marketing purposes. Please let us know if you would like to opt out of this.





Gameplay lasts for up to 60 minutes with the option to have shorter games as required


Based upon a 60 minute event:
Groups up to 20 - £325
Groups up to 40 - £400
Groups up to 60 - £575
Groups up to 100 - £700

Groups 100 + can be negotiated upon request
Action film musical bingo game with energetic host!

Music includes American, British, Canadian and European songs from various different decades and styles.

Within each 30 second clip of music, the first 15 seconds teases you with a faded image of the artist/band and the build up to the best bit of the song – giving you the opportunity to guess who it is! Then after 15 seconds, the artist image becomes clear and the name of the song and artist is revealed, giving you ample time for that a-ha moment and to mark off your bingo card if you hadn’t guessed it yet!

      i. Bingo cards will be sent during the experience so everyone has a randomised, interactive bingo card.

      ii. QR code can be sent during the event so players can use their smartphone as a bingo card as well!

      iii. Prizes can be won for the first to get a row, then a column, then a diagonal and a full house.

      iv. Bingo cards can be altered to make it easier for prizes to be won or to go through multiple bingo cards rather than one long game.

      v. Icebreakers can be included such as sing-offs and dancing interludes.
      vi. Pictures can be sent at the end.
      vii. Branding can be added for an extra £30.
Everyone was very happy and I have to tell you, I was surprised how the host was able to ‘extract’ comments from the winners. I mean, they were game in giving funny answers. It was amazing! I really wish it was longer than our slot 😊
– EA Games

Brands That Alex Ranahan Has Worked With

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