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You’re On Mute!
Virtual Presentation Skills

Get the edge on your global competition by mastering virtual communication and maximising your presentation skills in the new world!
If you don't have a great experience, we offer a 120% money-back guarantee so any risk is on us!

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1–100 participants


Session lasts from 20 to 60 minutes with the additional paid option to open the room 15-30 minutes before and after the event.


Initial price based on a group of <30:

20 minutes – £90
40 minutes – £170
60 minutes - £260
I’ll get you zooming ahead with your team’s presentations and learning what you can take away and own:

      i. How to come across as prepared, professional, and iron out the kinks that catch everyone else out.

      ii. The shift in psychology and attention that can be turned into a superpower when communicating to people both at home and together in the workplace.

      iii. And how to generate the energy, precision, and engagement that can draw people in the same way as if you were in the spotlight on stage.

      So you can become the master of influence and rocket your communication to a whole new level. It’s time to take charge of the new normal - rather than putting your success on mute.

      Book me in now and see how just 20 minutes of fun can give you the tools to change your life.

      This is the moment where you can finally get ahead with worldwide communication skills that everyone is relying on, and catapult ahead in these unprecedented times…or fade into the background and remain silent as you watch other people take action and take your place in the conversation.
I learned so much! Thank you! I can't wait to do more of these workshops and to incorporate them into my daily life.
Fantastic job!
- TenSpot

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Let's talk.

We help teams like yours enhance open communication and build team camaraderie. If you want to rekindle the bonds your team once shared, or you’re assembling a new virtual team for the post-pandemic world, we are here to help.